Facility Microgrids

Virtual Power Plant enabled Microgrids

Clean generation, energy storage, and advanced controls, yielding greater returns and enhanced comfort, productivity, and security.

Energy Supply Management

Energy Management Information System (EMIS):

Our EMIS efficiently manages distributed on site intelligent controllers for intelligent loads, clean energy generators, such as solar and wind, as well as energy storage units. It enables precise control and scheduling over energy production and demand for facilities or campuses.

Through secure communications with the SEAP platform, we offer monitoring, dispatching, visibility, scheduling, optimization, and utility grid interoperability for these intelligent controllers and third party systems.

Advanced Monitoring and Controls

We integrate energy-producing or consuming equipment into the SEAP platform for monitoring and control, utilizing smart microgrid capabilities. Command and control are accessible via a secure web browser through our cyber-secure SEAP cloud platform. This optimization ensures efficient energy usage while maintaining comfort, security, safety, and productivity.

Newly installed energy assets contribute to facility cost reductions, emergency microgrid resiliency, and utility grid interoperability through SEAP intelligent dispatch. Automated load management via local intelligent microprocessors ensures secure and reliable resiliency against energy and load balancing issues.

V2G vehicle to grid integration

Integrated Virtual Power Plant

Deployed smart energy assets lead to cost reductions for your facility, bolster emergency microgrid resiliency, and enhance utility grid interoperability with intelligent dispatch called Virtual Power Plant.
Local intelligent controllers facilitate automated load management, providing secure and reliable resiliency against energy and load balancing challenges.
Below are a few of our proven deployed intelligent controllers Solutions integrated to EMIS:
   –  Keep Komfort for HVAC
   – Keep Kold for warehouse or walk-in refrigeration systems
   – Keep Lights Efficient
   – V2G – Vehicle to Grid
   – Real Time Energy Metering
   – Keep Elevators
   – Keep Klean Air
   Contact us below on how we can help you monetize your assets while improving on measurable and targeted sustainability.

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