vehicle to grid

SEAP Vehicle to Grid (V2G) for Reduced Energy Costs and Revenue Capture

enables economical charging of electric vehicles considering facility load flexibility and grid requirements

V2G vehicle to grid integration

V2G - Vehicle to Grid Integration to Facilities

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ONIT installs or modifies already existing commercially proven electric vehicle charger stations and through its SEAP platform automatically manages the charging of electric vehicles taking into consideration building load flexibility and grid requirements.

SEAP bring the benefits of lower energy costs at your facility through reduced electric utility charges, revenue metering to collect money from customers, and additional revenue potential from demand response participation.

SEAP cyber-secure interoperability enables smart energy management by taking into consideration facility time-based load and supply expectations and optimally scheduling asset dispatches towards highest value and lowest risk.


Energy Cost Reductions and Revenue Enhancement

Through SEAP’s Energy Management and Information System, electricity is automatically curtailed based on facility requirements of resiliency, optimal energy management, and demand response participation.

Added benefit comes when this EV load is accompanied by other SEAP communicating loads and supplies within the facility, enabling greater opportunities to monetize the energy usage by equipment.

Optimal scheduling for EV charging is communicated via cyber-secure interoperability to revenue metering quality smart switches to maintain the integrity of commercially available chargers.

Talk with us about how we can help you in driving towards greater sustainability and profitability through your smart V2G installations. 

We are also open to partnering with you to commercialize additional product enhancement in interoperability given our US patents, and discussions as outlined in this paper by SAE.

vehicle electric plug

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